Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In Panama City

Well, we are in Panama City since 2 days ago, on Sunday, May 2nd.  We are settling in and going through our personal boxes that Sebastian was keeping for us.  Trying to see what we need to keep with us or take back to the storage unit.  We might not be able to go to Montana for the 6 weeks NP position that I signed up for.  Montana licensure wants me to have so many hours of continuing education in pharmacology.  I would need to take a conference.  There is one in a couple of weeks in Orlando! go all the way back there again, geesh!  So we will see..... Have to talk to the recruiter in Florida about the House Calls position in Georgia also, so we will see.....Lots of planning needs to be done...
Had a great time in St. Petersberg seeing some sights and visiting Helen, our 87 year old cousin that used to live in NY.  Also, went to Gainesville for several days and saw friends and family and went to some appts and moved our things from one storage unit to a bigger one.  We were busier there than we thought we'd be.

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