Friday, May 14, 2010

In Orlando

We are in Orlando for a couple of days.  I needed some continuing education hours for my future Montana license.  Now hoping that the certificate will come soon enough to complete the licensure process in order for me to still go to Montana for the June 28th job!  Guess we'll see what God intends to happen with all that.  I can't worry about it.
We'll be leaving for Gainesville again tomorrow afternoon after the conference ends.  Bob's been filling his time with going to the Bass Pro Shop and some other outlets nearby while I "slave" away at the conference.
We are staying with David and Carol Lee for the next week or so.  We wanted to go up to Georgia to see Bob's brother Fred and wife Linda, but the timing didn't work out.  So we are going to try and visit with them over the Memorial Day weekend.  Sebastian may drive up there as well from Panama City.  He likes his Uncle Fred and Aunt Linda.

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