Monday, December 7, 2009

Trip to Berlin

Hi Everyone,
We took Sebastian to Berlin this past weekend to fly back to the States.  He made it fine and is now on his way on Jet Blue to Florida after spending a couple of days with my sister and her family.  We were only in Berlin for essentially 24 hours but made the most of it, tried to see some of the major sights.  We took the train from Poznan, a city 2 hours north of us.  It was fun and only took 3 hours on the train.  It was COLD when we got there and were walking around.  But I was bundled up!

Was able to go to a couple of Christmas Markets as well.  There were usually a lot of people, eating, drinking and shopping!  

Pottery from Jerusulem

That's about all for now.  Just winding down our time here in Glogow.  Looking forward to flying back to the States ourselves about 2 weeks and spending the holidays with my family.  See more photos by going to the Fraser Picasa Web Album link on the right.

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