Sunday, October 17, 2010


We've been in Louisville, Ga this past week and will stay for another week.  I only have 3 days of work and then we'll be flying off to NY to visit family for about 7 days. We'll get to enjoy Tom's renovated house longer than we did after we finished it in April!
We are staying at the Old Town Plantation and Retreat.  It is a bed and breakfast but they don't have individual rooms like most B&Bs, but have cottages.  Ours is called the Courtside Cottage b/c it is next to the tennis courts.  Tennis anyone?  Not us, no rackets and weak knees! 
The houses are on several hundred acres of land---just beautiful countryside.  Martha and Thomas, the owners are just really the nicest people. This land has a very historical background also, dating back to the 1800's.  There are several houses on this property that are very old cracker-style houses.  One was torn down b/c it was too costly to fix up but they left the chimneys!

See some of the pictures below.....check out the Picasa Link for more.  They'll be up for awhile there as well.

Courtside Cottage

We walked down this tree lined lane to find the river and a good fishing spot but never did find the river.

Restored old Library with remaining chimneys from torn-down house.

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