Saturday, September 11, 2010


We have been in Statesboro for about a week now.  I worked four days doing House Calls and now have the weekend off. Yeah! We are staying at the Statesboro Inn which is a bed and breakfast; but we are staying in their 2 bedroom cottage in the back of the property.  It's kind of cute but has too small of a refrigerator.  The young owner acquired this property about 3 years ago.  The Inn may have seen better days in the past.  There are just little hints that this may be a bigger job for this guy than he expected maybe.  Anyway, we are here until next Friday.  Then we will take a jaunt down to Jacksonville, FL and pick up the RV that we reserved.  We thought we'd try it for a few weeks to see how we will like it.  We may buy our own in the future. 
The town is a fairly good size with about 40,000 people.  The university here called Georgia Southern has about 19,000 students. 
Statesboro Inn-main house

Our "cottage"

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