Friday, March 5, 2010

Month of March already!

The kitchen at my brother's house is almost finished.  The countertops should be in sometime next week and then the sink will be set.  The cooking range will be hooked up to gas early next week also, so at least we'll be able to cook better.  Hopefully my brother, John can put in the kitchen floor this weekend.
Other jobs around the house are also getting done---mainly all the painting by Bob.  One of the upstairs bedrooms will be done later today.  Also, probably the stairwell and landing.  Window treatments are coming in next week.  It was hard to decide on something that was not too costly, was pretty and practical as well and easy for my brother to keep clean!  I'll post some pictures when we are done.
The weather will be warmer, like spring this weekend, but we are not counting on winter being over just yet!  Our plans are to go back down to Florida probably the second week in April.  We plan to visit in Gainesville as well as Panama City.  We are looking for jobs for me as a nurse practitioner with temporary status so we'll see how that works out....

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