Sunday, November 8, 2009

November Update

We are going into our 13th week here in Glogow, Poland.  We've gotten our routine down with teaching ESL.  We have been so thankful for the borrowed car for our transportation, especially when it has been very cold.  November is supposed to be a very cold, rainy month but so far we had a mixture of of cloudy and sunny days so we are thankful for that.  We will be participating in an English Bible Study later today.  It is the same one that we met with last month.
A week or so ago, we went to the town of Boleslawiec.  This town is famous for their pottery which is world renown.  Prices in the US are 3-7 times as much as you can buy a piece here!  I wish I had the money to get a complete set of dishes!  See the pictures below.
Addendum: I found an online site called "" that orders from the same factories as we visited.  Prices didn't look too expensive for some pieces!

Tea Anyone?

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