Monday, September 28, 2009

Visit with Americans in Lubin

Yesterday we went to Lubin about 40mins away with the Pastor and his family. Our purpose was for the Pastor to preach at a church that was started by a husband and wife team from the US, named Paul and Carlene. They are part of an organization called "SEND". The church was started about 4 years ago and is housed in a building that is a coffeehouse during the day, English school in the afternoons and evenings and a church on Sundays!
Paul and Carlene have been in Poland for about 8 years and have 3 children. The Coffeehouse English School has about 116 students and has to meet in 2 different buildings. The church is wanting and needing to move into a larger building sometime in the near future. Some good food and fellowship followed the church service.

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